Switch Without a Hitch Terms

What is the Switch Without A Hitch deal?

The deal is for new customers with an existing subscription contract for a service similar to the Sked Social service. 

In return for taking out a subscription to one of Sked Social’s eligible plans (the service), we will provide you with an initial subscription to the service for free for the remaining duration of your existing contract up to a maximum of 6 months (the free period), subject to the eligibility criteria and other details explained in these terms.  

In these terms, ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ refer to Sked Social and ‘you’ refers to a customer.

Our Services

To receive the benefit of the deal, you must take out a subscription for an eligible paid-for Sked Social service (your Sked Social contract), which will commence immediately after the free period. The Sked Social service must be:

  1. a subscription to our Professional or Enterprise plan, and
  2. an annual contract or a pay-monthly contract with a minimum commitment of 12 months

Once you have committed to your Sked Social contract, we will provide you with an initial subscription for the same service for the duration of the free period for free. Please note:

  1. our ‘free’ deal during the initial period excludes add on charges, such as for extra social accounts added by you, which will be charged to you in line with our standard pricing
  2. the maximum duration of the free period is 6 months even if the remaining subscription period of your existing contract is longer

The length of the initial free period plus the length of your Sked Social contract will be your ‘deal subscription period’ and the expiry of that period will be deemed to be the ‘billing period’ for the purpose of our terms of service.


By signing up to the deal you are committing to the Sked Social contract including the payment obligations for the entire deal subscription period.  

You may notify us that you wish to cancel your Sked Social contract at any time including during the initial free period, and such cancellation will take effect at the end of the deal subscription period. 

Please note:

  1. Notice of cancellation before payment has been made: you will still have to pay in full for the Sked Social contract for the deal subscription period.
  2. Notice of cancellation after payment has been made: please note we do not provide refunds for any unused subscription period.

If you give notice of cancellation, provided you have complied with your payment obligations you may continue to access the service until the end of the deal subscription period.

Terms of service

Our services are governed by our terms of service found at https://skedsocial.com/terms-of-service.  Those terms of service are incorporated into these terms and will apply to your subscription. If there is any conflict between our terms of service and these terms, then these terms prevail.


Pricing for our eligible Sked Social services is available at https://skedsocial.com/pricing. We will tell you what the price will be for your proposed Sked Social contract before you take out the subscription to our service, using a Service Order Form.

You must provide a valid payment method at the time of taking out your Sked Social contract and keep these details up to date.  

On the expiry of the free period, your nominated payment method will automatically be charged the cost of the Sked Social Contract.  Any extra social accounts added to your service during the free period or after will be charged for at our standard pricing.

Your subscription will automatically renew on the expiry of the Sked Social Contract and payment will be taken in accordance with our terms of service, unless you have notified us before then that you do not wish to renew.

Eligibility criteria

The deal is subject to eligibility criteria and you should read this section carefully to check the deal is suitable for you. 

The deal is:

  1. for new Sked Social customers only, or customers who have taken out a 7-day trial previously but no other Sked Social service
  2. is not transferable and cannot be sold or bartered

To be eligible, at the time of commencing the deal your existing contract must:

  1. be a paid-for service to which non-discounted pricing applies i.e. not a trial period
  2. be a service which is similar to our eligible service in terms of functionality, scope, pricing or some other important aspect
  3. be subject to a subscription term i.e. not a pay as you go service
  4. not have been cancelled already

To enable us to check whether you meet our eligibility criteria, when requested by us you must provide us with satisfactory evidence of your existing contract including the remaining subscription period.  We can refuse your request to take part in the deal if you do not provide this. 

This deal cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount, such as any other free trial which applies to our service. 

A request from you to take part in the deal is an offer by you to take out a subscription to our service on these terms.  We can decide which customers receive the deal at our sole discretion.  This means we have the right to refuse your application if we decide you do not meet the eligibility criteria or if we have another reason for doing so.

Your obligations

By making an offer to take out part in the deal, you confirm that you:

  1. have checked the terms of the deal carefully
  2. have checked that our paid-for service is suitable for you (such as completing a free 7-day trial)
  3. accept that these terms and the terms of service (https://skedsocial.com/terms-of-service) apply to the deal and your subscription to our service
  4. meet the eligibility criteria set out in these terms
  5. have checked the cancelation terms which apply to your existing contract and are solely responsible for arranging to cancel your existing contract and for any payment obligations connected with such cancellation
  6. have all the necessary consents, permissions and rights to share information relating to your existing contract with us and that our use of this information in connection with the deal is permitted

Our liability relating to your existing contract

You acknowledge and agree that we have no liability to you in connection with your existing contract or the cancelation of it, such as any liability relating to unpaid subscription fees or additional charges imposed on you for early cancelation or otherwise.

Duration of the deal

The deal period runs until Friday 30th September, 23.59 AEDT (the expiry date) and until then you can make an offer to take part in the deal. We have the right to vary the expiry date at our discretion at any time, but any shortening of the period will not impact on you if you are already a part of, or have applied for, the deal at the time of the change. 

We may cancel the deal at any time for technical, security, or business reasons, including fraud prevention.  This will not affect you if you have already taken out a subscription to our service.

Changes to these terms 

We have the right to make changes to these terms at our discretion at any time, but the change will not impact on you if you are already participating in the deal at the time of the change.

Last updated 16 August 2024.