Instagram Trends & Memes to Try: June 2024

June 26, 2024
Rachel Ramsay

Searching for an Instagram trend to fill out your content calendar this week? Say no more.

If you’re running a brand account, tapping into trends and memes can be a great way to connect with your audience, enhancing engagement, boosting shares, and growing reach.

But, staying on top of the ever-evolving landscape of trends and memes can be time-consuming—and if you miss the point of the trend (or jump on the bandwagon too late) you can risk looking less relevant than if you’d never posted the trend at all.

That's why we've produced a comprehensive weekly blog that documents the latest Instagram trends and memes, complete with their context, and suggestions for how to relate them to your niche. 

It’s everything you need to get in on the joke—without having to research the eighteen layers of internet culture that went into making the joke in the first place.

June 26, 2024

Please Please Please trend 

Sabrina Carpenter’s on a roll this summer. Her latest release, Please, Please, Please is the #1 trending audio on Instagram as of June 24, with 264,000 posts (and counting). The lyrics include “Please, please, please, Don't prove I'm right. And please, pleasе, please Don't bring me to tеars when I just did my makeup so nice.”  

How it’s catching on

You’ve probably noticed this track popping up all over your feed, with some videos racking up millions of engagements, and with such easy to remix lyrics, it’s no surprise that everyone from UGC creators to lifestyle brands, fitness accounts and restaurants are using Sabrina’s song somewhere in their content.
There are several versions of this song trending, but this  is the most popular and more likely to get the highest reach.

While influencers have been lipsynching along to the lyrics and showcasing their OOTD or make up tutorials, brands are capitalising on other lyrics like “I know I have good judement, I know I have good taste” to hype up a new product launch.

Examples in action

How to make the ‘please please please’ trend your own

There’s no hard and fast rule for using this song in your post, so there are a few different ways to tailor it to suit your audience, depending on your niche.

If you’re managing a clothing brand - you could use this audio as a fun transition when putting together an outfit. Film yourself lip synching to the first half of the intro, use an item to cover the screen, cue the transformation reveal (no tears allowed!)

If you’re an entertainment venue: Cut the audio portion to include just the lyrics “please, please, please don’t prove I’m right”, and showcase your product with the text overlay ‘Please, Please, Please (come rock climbing with me).’

I just needed a holiday’ trend

This sound is a remixed snippet of Madonna’s iconic Holiday to include a compilation of the audio “I wasn’t sad, I just needed a holiday,’ which instantly translates into content that has fun remake appeal. 

How it's catching on

From travel vloggers to lifestyle brands, most creators have used this sound as the soundtrack to showcase aesthetic footage of a new product, destination or a lifestyle service against a text overlay that says “I’m not sad, I just needed a…” adapting the last few words to suit their specific niche.

Using the text against the backdrop of visually engaging video footage creates a sense of feel-good camaraderie to whatever service they’re promoting.

Examples in action

How to make ‘I just needed a holiday’ trend your own

This audio is perfect for small businesses, and you’ve probably got some aesthetic destination footage, UGC or epic food shots that are just crying out to mash up with this sound. Replace the following text with whatever service or speciality fits your audience best.

First clip: Ohhh, I wasn’t sad.

Second clip: ✨I just needed a massage/haircut/new print for my bedroom✨

June 20, 2024

‘Is somebody gonna match my freak’ trend

As of June 20, this audio is the #5 trending audio on Instagram. It’s an excerpt from Tinashe’s song ‘Nasty’, and features the lyrics “Is somebody gonna match my freak?”

How it’s catching on

Creators are using the audio to soundtrack situations where they might appear to do something ‘freakish’—in other words, something most people would deem to be unconventional or eccentric.

However, self-love and an unapologetic attitude (with a hint of self-depreciation) are at the heart of the trend. Playing into the lyrics ‘is somebody gonna match my freak’, creators are using the audio to say: this is my offbeat trait, can anyone relate?

Most creators are simply filming themselves in action, doing whatever they’re referring to, then overlaying it with the text: ‘Is somebody gonna match my freak?’ followed by a description of their eccentric ‘thing’.

Examples in action

How to make the ‘Is somebody gonna match my freak’ your own

This trend is a great chance to relate to your followers and make them feel ‘seen’, by highlighting an eccentricity or unconventional way of doing things that’s, in reality, quite widespread amongst your audience.

Film yourself performing the act in question, then set it to this audio. Overlay it with copy that contextualizes the clip within the trend.

For instance:

[For a gym account] Is somebody gonna match my freak (watching exercise tutorials with my screen on low-light so no one sees)

[For a cleaning service account] Is somebody gonna match my freak (pre-vacuuming my house on cleaning day so my cleaner doesn’t judge me)

‘What’s your name, who’s your daddy?’ trend

This excerpt from ‘Time of the Season’ by The Zombies is doing the rounds, and is currently trending on Instagram. It features the lyrics, ‘What’s your name, who’s your daddy?’, and is—in some instances—being remixed with this clip from user of Pedro Pascal looking smugly-off-camera.

How it’s catching on

Creators are using the trend to highlight times they've felt a sense of smug pride - perhaps someone has complimented a project the creator pulled off solo, or the creator has done something that's been otherwise widely lauded.

Examples in action

How to make the ‘What’s your name, who’s your daddy’ trend your own

Depending on the context you refer to in your post, you can either apply the audio to relevant footage (think a clip of you smiling to someone off-camera, or admiring your own handiwork) or use remix the clip of Pedro Pascal.

Overlay your clip with copy that contextualizes the audio.

For example:

[For a nail salon account] When someone comments on my client’s Instagram asking who did their nails.

[For a cooking account] When I’m at a party and someone asks, ‘Who made the tiramisu?’

June 13, 2024

June 13, 2024

‘Art the Clown Grinning’ trend

This clip comes from the 2022 film Terrifier 2, in which Art—a serial killer clown character played by David Howard Thornton—has a highly meme-worthy reaction to being threatened by police. The clip shows the clown giving a shocked expression, followed by a sly grin.

How it’s catching on

Creators are using this CapCut clip, which has been paired with the track Theme From A Summer Place by Percy Faith. 

Creators are overlaying the clip with a text that denotes a time they might have initially reacted to a situation with shock, only to have a sly realization. 

Examples in action

How to make the ‘Art the Clown Grinning’ trend your own

Using this CapCut template, think of a ‘sly realization’ people in your niche might have, or benefit from knowing. 

Perhaps a situation or ‘best practice’ commonly believed to be serious or crucial is quite trivial afterall. Or maybe there’s a difficult or niggly task that can be tackled in an easier way.

For instance: 

[In a haircare niche, where you’re educating your followers that too-frequent washing can be harmful]: When you realize that washing your hair max twice a week is better for its health

[On a page that teaches low-effort cooking tips]: When you realize you don’t have to peel potatoes to make a smooth mash

‘The Spark’—Irish Children’s rap trend

Last month, a group of children in Ireland recorded what has been declared ‘the song of the summer’. Featuring the lyrics “Think you can stop what we do? I doubt it. We got the energy, we’ll tell you all about it. I searched for my spark and I found it,” the song has been praised for its energy, catchiness, and positivity. 

How it’s catching on

As of June 13, the song is Instagram’s #2 trending audio. It has quickly translated into an anthem for creators to share projects and passions that has helped them find or express their ‘spark’. 

There’s no most popular or dominant format for this trend on Instagram, so creators are adopting the format that feels most natural for their niche: for some, this means filming a daily task, while for others it’s an enthusiastic dance. 

Others are leaning into the rebellious nature of the song, highlighting an unconventional practice they adhere to, and defiantly proclaiming that they won’t be stopped.

Examples in action

How to make ‘The Spark’ trend your own

Since the song is all about unapologetic spark and passion, this might be a good opportunity to reintroduce your brand’s point of difference to your followers. 

For instance, you could film your team performing a high-energy dance to the audio, and pair it with text along the lines of:

‘How it feels knowing you work for the only brand to [insert something your brand is unique for].’

Alternatively, film a key part of your working process: that could be packing orders if you work for an eCommerce company, or serving food if you work for a hospitality business. 

Overlay it with text that infers that your product or service is high-quality, popular, or unbeatable.

‘How it feels knowing more than 1000 people every day get to receive our [insert product here]’

‘How it feels making the best [insert food item] someone will eat all year.’

June 4, 2024

‘Take a look around’ trend

This trend originated from the iconic 2003 film 'Uptown Girls,' starring Dakota Fanning and Brittany Murphy. In the movie, Fanning portrays Ray, a precocious 8-year-old girl who delivers the memorable line, 'Take a look around, do you see her anywhere? News flash. You're not gonna.' The line is spoken to Ray’s nanny, Molly, who Murphy plays, and it alludes to the girl's absent mother. 

How it’s catching on 

Creators are now repurposing this line to humorously refer to people, things, or versions of themselves that are conspicuously missing or unattainable.

Some creators appear on-screen, lip-syncing to this audio, while others use a CapCut template of Dakota Fanning delivering the line. 

Creators then overlay text that contextualizes the trend within their niche.

Examples in action

How to make the ‘Take a look around’ trend your own 

Decide whether you want to lip-sync the audio, or use a CapCut template

Either way, it’s worth setting your video to one of the audio versions that have picked up lots of momentum. There are a few going around, but this one has some videos that have clocked more than a million views—that means the sound has more exposure, which will improve your video’s discoverability. 

Once you’ve created your reel, type a text overlay, thinking of a person, thing, or version of yourself that is now elusive, or impossible to find. 

You could try relating it to an outdated belief or trend in your industry, for instance:

[In the beauty industry, where fluffy brows are the current look]: “Where’s that girl that used to teach the sculpted eyebrow tutorials?”

[In the social media industry, where follower counts are now seen as a less important success metric]: “Where’s that guy who used to know everything about rapidly increasing follower counts on Instagram?”

‘So I’m not gonna talk about it’ trend

In April, Ryan Gosling hosted Saturday Night Live, using his opening monologue to refer to his stint playing Ken in the Barbie movie. 

Due to the mass hysteria Barbie sparked over the past year, Gosling quipped that he was ‘not gonna make any jokes about Ken’.

“So I’m not gonna talk about it,” he said, before appearing to ‘give in’ and declare, “I actually am gonna talk about it a little bit.”

How it’s catching on

The line has sparked a feeling of relatability, with Instagram creators using the audio to refer to topics they just can’t resist talking about, no matter how hard they try. 

Some creators are reposting the SNL footage as a reel or remixing other creators’ reels, while others are lip-synching to the audio

Creators are then overlaying the video with text that refers to a topic they can’t stop talking about. 

Examples in action

How to make the ‘So I’m not gonna talk about it’ trend your own

Using this audio, film yourself lip-synching the line "So I’m not gonna talk about it. Okay, I am gonna talk about it a little bit."

Then, overlay the footage with text that refers to a topic you’re passionate about, or a project you’re proud of. 

This audio lends itself particularly well to projects or products for which you’ve already run extensive marketing or content campaigns—it reminds your audience of the product once more, while humorously acknowledging that this probably isn’t the first time they’ve heard about it.

For instance:

"When I’ve just launched a new skincare line and everyone’s sick of hearing about it."

"When everyone is sick of hearing about our new croissant flavor."

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