Take control with content labels

Organize campaigns, uncover insights, and streamline content creation with AI-powered labels designed to strengthen your social strategy.
Strategize your socials with Sked Social's Labels

Effortless organization, actionable insights

Multi-channel analytics with Sked Social
Organize with ease
Create content pillars and campaign labels that group your posts by themes or goals, giving your strategy clarity across all accounts.
Competitor insights with Sked Social
Generate better ideas
Supercharge your creativity with AI-assisted content ideas tailored to your labels.
Custom reports with Sked Social
Measure what matters
Track the performance of every content pillar and campaign with advanced label reporting, so you know what drives engagement, clicks, and conversions.

Manage all your key accounts in one place

See all integrations
Sked Social integrations with Instagramsked social integration with tiktoksked social integration with facebooksked social integration with linkedinsked social integration with pinterestsked social integration with canvasked social integration with frontifysked social integration with google business profilesked social integration with youtube sked social integration with x (formerly twitter) Sked Social integrations with Snapchatsked social integration with dropboxsked social integration with google driveSked Social integrations with Zapier

Trusted by world-class brands
across the globe

Reclaim your downtime with Sked Social

Organize your content

Distinguish campaigns and keep content types balanced with labels that work across every social platform.
Group posts by content pillars or campaigns to align with your social goals.
Apply multiple labels to posts for ultimate customization and clarity.
Keep your social strategy organized across all accounts, all in one place.
See Plans & Pricing
Track performance with Sked Social

Create with AI-powered precision

Save time with AI-assisted label suggestions and content ideas that leave you more time for big-picture thinking.
Use labels to guide Sked's AI in generating tailored captions and ideas.
Combine brand details and label descriptions for hyper-relevant post suggestions.
Save time with high-quality outputs that resonate with your audience.
See Plans & Pricing

Gain deeper insights

Measure performance and refine your strategy with advanced analytics.
Identify your top-performing campaigns and content pillars at a glance.
Analyze trends across accounts or dive deep into single-label performance.
Use actionable insights to optimize engagement, clicks, and conversions.
See Plans & Pricing
Outperform your goals and competitors with Sked Social

Hear it from Sked customers

“Possibly the biggest game-changer is Sked's approvals flow. My clients have been on a tour of approvals processes with me and we all agree, Sked's approvals process is the most user-friendly and best for team collaboration.”
Jenessa S.
“Sked has been fantastic for our company in managing our SM and Google presence. It has also reduced our time spent with manual processes, allowing us to serve our clients better and giving them more value so we can keep our fees conservative and put our focus on high-value business development opportunities.”
Sarah P.
“Sked Social is an excellent social media management tool that has greatly simplified the process of scheduling and managing content across multiple platforms.“
Conor B.

Start organizing smarter today

Streamline your workflow, simplify reporting, and unlock insights with content labels built to elevate your social strategy.

You got questions, we've got answers

How many labels can I create?

There’s no limit set on how many you can add to Sked. Use the archive function to hide old Labels whilst still having them shown in Sked Insights post metrics to keep your current ones front and centre

How many labels can be applied to a post?

You can apply as many as you like.

How much will extra users cost?

You can add unlimited users at no extra cost, allowing your entire team to collaborate seamlessly—and cost-effectively!

How many accounts can I add to Sked Social?

You can add unlimited accounts to Sked Social, ensuring you can manage all of your brands in one place—only pay more when you outgrow your plan.

How much does Sked Social cost?

Sked’s pricing depends on the number of accounts and the plan you choose. Get a clearer picture of pricing here.